Support our customers with our ability and knowledge
Engineering Department

Examine the details together with our customer
The main task of the engineering team is to find the most suitable electronic device through many discussions and meetings for our clients.
A wide range of knowledge and experience is needed to work with LCD panels, touch panels and cables for it is necessary to know its abilities, specialities, design, and usability in order to be able to answer the requests we receive. Being the bridge between the client and the supplier is also another important role we play. We back up the sales in charge as we support through the engineering department.
Because we work with technical experts within the Quality Assurance Department, we are prepared with knowledge about manufacturing. When there are specific targets or markets we have as a goal, we may take other routes than marketing and approach our customer’s engineer department. Exhibitions are precious opportunities that we are able to make contact with our client engineers. Through such opportunities, we are able to share our knowledge and experience which has actually led to big projects and orders in the past.

Predicting the needs and making an ahead proposal
It is important to be aware of the needs and trends of the market so that we will be able to answer any kind of request from our customers. By using consumer products as models and studying them, we are able to predict the needs of the near future. Discussions are held with manufacturing suppliers so that we will not miss any chances of learning new skills. We are expected to answer any requests from our customer but we believe that we can truly win our customer’s trust when we can propose an even further idea that is another step ahead. That kind of enthusiasm can be said to be one of TESCOM’s strengths. We have actually had the experience of proposing a display for home electronics for a certain company and the client Product Designer was in great joy.. We do struggle in satisfying the requests and quality of our products but we find joy in working with our supplier to hear our customer say “We made the right choice in choosing TESCOM”.
Recently, we have set records in the semiconductor industry. We want to expand our parts and products so that we can grow even more rapidly as a company. We will work even harder to contribute not only to the electronic department but also make new challenges in different fields to help TESCOM gain more strength.